"S / PARK Flask Tree" announces the arrival of Christmas

Venue: S/PARK Period: 2019.11.11(Mon)-12.27(Fri)

Shiseido’s new research hub, the Shiseido Global Innovation Center (also referred to as S/PARK), will light up its “S / PARK Flask Tree” illumination from November 11 (Monday) to December 27 (Friday), 2019, in the communication area on the first floor to deepen interaction with our customers. The flask tree, about 8 meters high, is located in the open-air entrance lobby on the first floor. It uses 417 iconic flasks filled with glowing light particles, appearing as candles. Enjoy the sparkling inspiration reflected in the clear glass and the illumination of the flask tree.

Lighting period:November 11, 2019(Mon.)~December 27, 2019(Fri)
Lighting time:8:30~21:00
Tree height:8 meter
Number of lights:417pcs